June 23, 2006, Newsletter Issue #21: Sun Damage and Microdermabrasion

Tip of the Week

The sun is good for you! Yes, you read that right...but it's good in moderation, like everything else. While many physicians now recommend against the chemicals in sunblock, which can be absorbed into the skin, and favor thirty minutes in the sun to restore Vitamin D (not to mention lifting your mood), everybody should avoid sunburn. You already have been burned several times from family vacations in Hawaii and those marathon tan sessions by the pool when you were a teen. Can microdermabrasion help your flaking discolored brown-spotted wrinkled skin recover?

Since you can't be in the sun for several weeks after microdermabrasion treatment, you'll have no chance of sunburn. Get your vitamin D from supplements. And yes, microdermabrasion will eliminate sun damage. Before you fork over the $200-$300 cost of microdermabrasion, check with your dermatologist to see that you have no skin tumors, lesions or susicious-looking moles and pimples.

Microdermabrasion isn't recommended for skin cancer patients. Your surgeon or facialist will use the microdermabrasion system crystals to refresh skin dulled by sun damage, remove brown spots, shave away thickened skin and smooth out the wrinkles that become more pronounced from sun damage. After sun damage microdermabrasion treatment, be sure to use soothing moisturizers such as aloe-based products. Drink plenty of water to hydrate your new skin cells. Vitamins C and E will eliminate free radicals that still exist in your body and sabotage your skin. So don't be afraid of the sun thanks to microdermabrasion and "new" wisdom, but be sun smart.

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