Read these 7 Liposuction Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Cosmetic Surgery tips and hundreds of other topics.
If you're in the unlikely position of having men say your breasts are too large (and it does happen, especially if you're a man yourself), you might think traditional breast reduction surgery is too frightening and invasive. Breast liposuction can be a scarless alternative to breast reduction surgery and is thought to tighten the skin after the fat is removed through tumescent liposuction. Traditional breast reduction may result in loose skin and an anchor-shaped scar from scalpels. Some tips to consider before you reduce the size of your top with liposuction:
While your plastic surgeon sucks out the fat from your love handles and waist, you may notice your wallet slims down too. Liposuction isn't cheap. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that in 2003, the average liposuction cost was $2,578. However, your ultrasonic liposuction surgeon may quote you a fee of $3,000, not including the little extras:
Some tips before you take out a lip loan:
If you feel self-conscious when you walk, you're not alone. Pundits have quipped that men can suck in their guts but women can't such in their thighs. Neither, for that matter, can men, and liposuction is now one of the top five cosmetic surgery procedures for men. We all want thinner thighs--although women tend to undergo thigh body sculpting more.
Be warned if you're overweight and feeling cottage cheese between your thighs: Some RNs and surgeons recommend against thigh liposuction for certain needs, such as weight loss and cellulite. Liposuction removes deep fat, not surface fat, which cellulite is. You could actually end up with gooshier thighs than before since there's no underlying deeper fat. Mesotherapy is an excellent treatment for cellulite.
Reputable, responsible surgeons will only take you on for tumescent liposuction and ultrasonic liposuction if you're physically fit. Besides, you can't predict where you'll gain weight following body sculpting. Since the typical liposuction cost is $2000-$8000, you want to make sure the procedure will work. Although physical fitness is an important consideration, people typically have problems shedding fatty deposits in the thigh area. Thigh liposuction can trim away that "goosh." A tube inserted in your buttock crease will drain the fat from the areas your surgeon earmarks (you need to talk about these in advance), and a drainage tube will siphon away any excess fluid.
How do you keep that newly svelte lower half? Your surgeon will give you a clinging garment to wear for up to six weeks post-liposuction. The tight compression garment holds your new body shape in place and allows it to "set" while reducing pain and swelling. Don't feel the temptation to jog post-thigh liposuction! While you want to show off your improved appearance and keep fit, your doctor will prescribe light activity. Besides, you've been hiding your thighs for years. Your husband or wife can wait a few weeks for the total transformation--but you are having this body sculpting done for you, right?
While you're thinking about your new body, consider the complications that may result from liposuction. You've already advised your doctor that smaller rods are better. Here are some other common commplications and ways you can elminate them.
Mesotherapy? Is that for dinosaurs upset over the comet or whatever killed them? Hardly. Mesotherapy, invented in Europe and South America, is a body sculpting technique touted as an alternative to tumescent liposuction and ultrasonic liposuction. Mesotherapy involves several micro-injections of pharmaceutical and homeopathic medications, natural plant extracts and vitamins that can banish cellulite on your thighs. Plastic surgeons don't recommend liposuction for cellulite, or for weight loss, whereas Dr. Stephen Jennings has developed a procedure called LipoSculpt that purports to produce weight loss. LipoSculpt and mesotherapy supposedly don't require the four weeks of down time and reduced activity. As you would with liposuction, you need to remember key points about mesotherapy:
If you think UAL is a bankrupt airline, think again! UAL stands for ultrasound assisted liposuction (or ultrasonic liposuction), an alternative to tumescent liposuction. Instead of the traditional tumescent liposuction that injects saline to make it easier to suction out fat, ultrasonic liposuction uses ultrasonic energy to liquefy the fat. An ultrasonic rod inserted into your fat radiates ultrasonic waves, then the fat gets suctioned out as in tumescent liposuction.
Fans of UAL say that there is less blood and pain with ultrasonic liposuction, while opponents claim side effects include significant tingling and burning. Fluid collection is common, and your surgeon will typically drain the fluid that can gather under the skin. Tumescent fluid tends to reduce bruising, which is one advantage of tumescent liposuction. However, ultrasonic liposuction can reduce skin, especially in the neck, and remove larger amounts of fat, since the liquefied lipids can more easily be sucked out.
Traditional liposuction targets areas with smaller fat deposits. Ask your surgeon which procedure she has had success in, which she has performed more often, and which she would recommend for herself. If you still think UAL is an airline, study cosmetic surgery and body sculpting before you incur any liposuction cost.
Tumescent liposuction. UAL lipo. Super-wet lipo. The lingo makes you just want to stick with those gooshy upper arms. Relax--with tumescent liposuction the doctor injects tumescent fluid filled with saline, adrenaline and lidocaine into the fat. This reduces pain, and the fat can be drawn more easily out of your body. In addition to the pain-reducing fluid, you'll receive general anesthesia (completely under) or sedation (aware of what's going on but not in pain).
Tumescent Tip: Your surgeon should use small rods, 3-4 mm in diameter, to draw out the fat. Larger rods can cause irregularities, dimples, puckers, and divots By the way, if you hear people throwing around terms such as lipoplasty, liposculpture, liposculption, and suction-assisted lipoplasty, they mean liposuction or tumescent liposuction. So don't settle for that deep fat around your upper arms just because the terminology's confusing. Ask your doctor to explain all the procedures and options.
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